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Far Infrared Sauna: What It Is & Health Benefits

Far Infrared SaunaFar infrared saunas warm you up just like the sun does. The sun’s rays range from infrared to ultraviolet. We can only see a small spectrum of light and far infrared is beyond the red spectrum human eyes can detect. Like the sun, a sauna that uses this type of heat warms your body from within. Imagine going out on a sunny day and feeling the sun on your skin. Now imagine walking through the shadow of a building or tree and then going back out in the sunshine. The warmth you feel is far infrared heat. Far infrared heat is gentle and safe for your skin and body since it does not contain any of the UV rays of sunlight.

Unlike cumbersome heating lamps of old, infrared sauna heat is produced by ceramic heating plates usually placed in the walls of the sauna. The air in the sauna does heat up, but the real heating effect is felt inside your body. This action is very similar to the Ondol method of heating used in traditional Korean homes. The Ondol method uses stone and earth, both of which radiate infrared heat when warmed. Infrared heat is natural; you own body radiates it as do all warm blooded animals. To illustrate this put your hands together and then pull them apart about an inch, the heat you feel between them is the infrared heat your body produces. Far infrared heat is very similar to the heat your body produces and up to 93% of this heat is absorbed into your body when you are in this type of sauna.

Health Benefits

One of the most profound benefits of far infrared heat saunas is the excitement of the water molecules in your body. This causes you to sweat profusely. Since your skin is the largest organ of your body and is responsible for much of the release of toxins, sweating helps to cleanse your body and improve your skin. Far infrared heat penetrates up to 2 inches into your body and has been found by studies to be effective to treat many conditions. NASA is currently doing research about the benefits of this type of heat, and the results are very promising.

Far infrared heat eases muscle and joint aches. The heat penetrates deep into your body and reaches your muscles and joints to help ease the pain associated with arthritis and injury. It increases circulation and speeds oxygen flow to all of your cells. This action helps your body to release and flush toxins accumulated in your body through your sweat glands. You are exposed to a large amount of toxins in your daily life. These toxins come from pollution, emissions from vehicles and factories, and pesticides and fertilizers used to grow and harvest your food. Studies have shown that 17% of the sweat produced in a far infrared sauna is toxins as compared to a mere 3% from traditional saunas.

Not only will you flush out toxins, but the increased circulation and oxygen production will speed up your metabolism. This can help you to lose weight and stay fit. A higher metabolism makes your body burn the food you eat more efficiently so that less is stored as fat. The appearance of cellulite is reduced because of the flushing action produced by this type of heat. Cellulite is attributed to trapped fat cells in your body. These trapped fat cells become intermeshed with the connective tissues of your skin giving it a bumpy and uneven look and feel. You skin will be smoother and be less prone to breakouts.

Far Infrared vs Traditional Heat

Unlike traditional saunas which heat the air around you, far infrared heats you from within. The air in your sauna will be warm, but not blistering hot as it is with a steam or hot stone sauna. This protects your skin and body from the effects of becoming overheated. Since infrared heat is much gentler on your body, you will be able to stay in your sauna longer and reap more health benefits from it. There are many types of far infrared saunas available today in many different styles. With a bit of research you can find one that is perfect for you.

Sauna Tips
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